Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A male student in texas gets suspended for wearing makeup

This is from Teen Vogue too.

A school in Texas is reportedly reevalutating the dress code after a male got in trouble for wearing makeup to school. The student at Shadow Creek High School was sent to in-school suspension because the makeup he was wearing violated the Alvin Independent School District's dress code which states, "Boys may not wear make-up." (LET THE BOY WEAR WHATEVER HE WANTS!)

The boy's friend Jasmine Richards said "he was asked whether he would like to remove the makeup or go to ISS (In school suspnsion) and he said he refused to take off the makeup." Jasmine was miffed enough by the unequal treatment to create a change.org petition urging the school to change the dress code, and not jus the makeup part." (THANK YOU JASMINE!)

Okay so here's the problem: Dress Code supports rape culture. I'm going to go through the rapes that happened at schools.

2009 Richmond High School Gang Rape: On October 24th 2009 a 15 year old students was on her way back from a school ball. Her father wanted to pick her up, when a classmate persuaded her to come with him to the picnic area of their school. There, six men and boys were waiting who started to beat, rape, and humiliate the girl for around two hours.

Several witnesses came, saw what was happening, but didn't help according to reports. Instead, they filmed the scenario and send sms to other classmates. After the attack, the victim was left unconscious on the picnic place and had to be flown to hospital by helicopter.

One of the rapists was the 19 year old Manuel Ortega, who was an ex-pupil of Richmond High School. The 15 year old victim often got teased because of her style and her nature, which weren't "hip" enough.

2016 Yuyun Gang rape, Sumatra, Indonesia: On April 2nd 2016, a 14 year old student from a small village in Sumatra, Indonesia was on her way back home from school, when someone pulled her into the forest. There, 14 young men were waiting who alledgedly raped and then killed Yuyun.

Her corpse was found naked and knotted. Her offenders were all under 18. They drank palm liquor before they committed the crime. While the instance didn't get much media atrtention, was it the feminist lobby in Indonesia, who called attention for this case, stating that it was only one out of many rapes that already happened in 2016. They request a harder draft pills against sexual violence to women.

2012 Delhi gang rape: It was the December 16th of 2012 when 23 year old physiotherapy student Jyoti and her boyfriend were on their way back home from the cinema. Almost simoultaneously in Delhi, a group of six mun stole an empty bus. They were driving aimlessly around in the city, when they saw Jyoti and her boyfriend waiting for a bus. The two went in, not knowing that it was not a normal bus, when the six men first beat Jyoti's boyfriend up and then brutally raped her.

After that, they tried to pull out her intestines with an iron rod and threw her and her boyfriend half dead on the road. The act caused a worldwide shock and triggered a debate about sexual violence against women in India and their role in society. People and especially women organizsed mass protests and demanded to hang the six rapists. Four of them were sentenced to death, but appealed against the judgement. The leader of the group was found hung in his cell in March 2013. In 2015, one of the rapist got released, because during the time of the crime he was an underage.

2012 Oksana Makar Gang Rape, Ukraine: Oksana Makar was only 18 years old, when three young men brutally raped her on April 2nd 2012. When she threatened them to report the offence to the police, they choked Oksana until they were thinking she is dead. After that, the three men wrapped the young girl in a cloth, dragged her into a deserted building site and set her on fire. A passerby spotted her and reached out for help.

Oksana died three weeks later due to her heavy injuries. Almost 55% of her skin was burnt and doctors had to amputate both her feet and the right arm. The case caused a huge public indignation in the Ukraine. All three perpetrators were caught by the police, but two of them quickly got released. The reason: it turned out that they were the sons of high officials of the regional administration.

Oksana's mom in the meanwhile showed a video of her suffering daughter on the internet. She had the sympathy of the Ukrainians on her side, who donated blood and raised money for Okasana.

Gang rape and murder of Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena: Two teenage girls from Texas were gang raped and murdered on June 24th, 1993. 15 year old Jennifer Lee Ertman and 16 year old Elizabeth Christine Pena were on their way back home from a party, when they decided to take a shortcut accross the tracks to avoid being back at home after the curfew. Here, beer drinking gang members noticed them, captured the girls and raped them several times.

Once the six men realized that the girls could recognize them, they decided to kill them.

Jennifer and Elizabeth got strangled to death and were found four days later in the park. Peter Anthony Cant, who was the leader of the gang, was executed in August 2010 with lethal inejction. It was his brother, who told the police about the crime after hearing that the youngest members of the gang boasted how much fun they had with the girls. Two other gang members got executed in 2006 and 2008.

Two of three left prersecutors got sentenced to death for lifetime, while the youngest one (who was only 14 at the time of the crime) was sentenced to 40 years of imprisonment.

2006 Qatif Gang Rape, Saudi Arabia: The 18 year old victim of the Qatif gang rape met in a car with her former boyfriend by the end of 2006. According to her she met him to get back a photo of her as she was already engaged to someone else during this time. But her ex-boyfriend kidnapped her and after thereupon, she got raped by seven different men.

After the incident, the "Qatif Girl", who belongs to a Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia, was sentenced to 90 lashes, as she had met a man without another male relative. On November 13th 2007, the penalty was aggravated in an appeal to 200 strokes and six months in prison also because the girl turned to the public to get international attention for the case. The judges therefor said, that the rape wouldn't have happened, if the young woman wouldn't have met with the man alone.

In December 2007 Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah pardoned the girl.

2002 Mukhtara Mai Gang Rape, Pakistan: On June 22nd 2002 Mukhtara Mai got overwhelmed by several men in the house of the Mastoi family. They teared off her clothes and four of the fourteen men in the house raped the then 30 year old.

It's said, that the men had agreed on the rape in a Jirga, an assembly, as a punishment for Mukhtara and her family.

The background: Mukhtara's brother was suspected and accused by the Mastoi family of committing fornication with a Mastoi woman. Three members of Mastoi family in revenge sodomized and tortured Muhktara's brother.

The solution: Mukhtara's brother has to marry the same Mastoi girl he was alleged of being involved in fornication. Furthermore Mukhtara should marry one of the Mastois. But in the last minute, the Mastoi family decided to cancel the plan. To overcome the dispute and see the case as resolved the Mastoi family wanted Mukhtara Mai to come to their house in person and apologize for the whole incident.

By the time Mukhtara Mai with her father and maternal uncle arrived for the apology, an armed man with a 30-caliber pistol, forcibly took Mukhtara into a stable where she was gang raped. It is also reported that on the orders of Jirga (traditional assembly of leaders), she was paraded naked in front of hundreds of onlookers.

Mukhtara indicated her tormentors, but until now only one of them is in jail, while all the other ones are free. The now 39 year old is married to a policeman and had written a book about her internationally well known and unique case.

Rape and murder of Anene Booysen: Anene Booysen (Octobber 30th, 1995 - February 2nd, 2013) was a 17-year-old girl who was found by a security guard the morning after she had been gang-raped and disemboweled by having her abdomen slit open at a construction site in Bredasdorp, in the Westerb caoem South Africa on February 2nd, 2013; she was still alive, but died later in the day. She managed to identify one of her attackers before her death. Johannes Kana was convicted for the crime, and sentenced to two consecutive life sentences. Booysen and Reeva Steenkamp, both young South African women killed in 2013, were named SA Persons of the year 2013 by the Daily Maverick.

I hope all of these victim's families are doing okay.

Alexis and I taking a quiz on Quotev called "What unnatural hair color suits you"

Hey guys. First I'm going to post the questions, Alexis's answers and the result she gets.

1. What's your favorite color? Purple.
2. What type of music do you like? Anything/other.
3. What's your favorite book? The Fault in Our Stars.
4. What do you want to be your eye colour? Purple.
5. What type of movie do you like? Horror.
6. What do you do on Saturday Night? Reading/drawing.
7. What do you do in your freetime? Listening to music.
8. Do you like this quiz? I LAV IT.
9. Thanks for taking this quiz. Bai.
Result: Grey.

My turn:
1. Purple.
2. Pop.
3. The Fault in Our Stars.
4. Blue.
5. Animation (sadly I couldn't choose both animation and horror).
6. Reading/drawing.
7. Listening to music.
8. YES.
9. See ya.
Result: Blue.

Hair colors in fiction

Hey I'm back from dying my hair rainbow colors. I would like to talk about hair colors in fiction. Ok so first the natural hair colors (I'm getting this from reddit and other websites. It's about the hair color tropes). Let's start.

Blonde = dumb, glorious, golden heart, and cheerful. What is stupid about this trope? Take a look at my girlfriend, Alexis. She has blonde hair and she is not dumb. She's actually smart.

Dark (brown and black) - aloof, leader, and mysterious. What is stupid about this trope? The word aloof. Aloof means not friendly but look at Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan (yes, he actually does has brown hair and not blond), Louis Tomlinson, and Zayn Malik. They are all friendly.

Red hair = energetic, fiery, and hot blooded. What is stupid about this trope? The hot blooded part, I mean look at Ed Sheeran (he's actually a ginger but technically red is ginger). He's not not hot blooded.

Now unnatural hair colors.

White = magical, special, and sublime. Okay so Elsa doesn't technically count since she's blonde-white and not just white.

Blue = calm, stoic, and emotionless. What is stupid about this trope? Look at Pablo as a human, he is not calm or emotionless.

Pink/bright orange = joyful and childish. This is actually true.

The timeline of hair colors

Okay I previously talked about someone bashing on women for unnatural hair colors. NOW it's time to see the timeline of hair colors from 1500 BC to 2015 AD!

1500 BC - The Egyptians started the whole hair dying thing. They would use henna to camouflage gray hair. Years later, the Greeks and Romans used plant extracts to dye their hair. However, they discovered it was too toxic to use.

300 BC - During the Roman Empire, prositutes were required to have yellow hair to indicate their profession (WHY?!) Some used a mixture made from the ashes of burned plants or nuts to achieve the hue.

500-1500s AD -  Red hair first appeared as the result of a genetic mutation in the Dark Ages, with the first documented case of natural-born rehead occuring in Scotland. For MANY years, people with natural red hair were subjected to suspicions of witchcraft.

1800s - English chemist William Henry Perkin made an accidental discovery that changed hair dye forever. In an attempt to generate a cure for malaria, he created the first synthesized dye in 1863.

1907 - Eugene Schueller created the first chemical dye for commercial purposes. He called it Aureole which became L'Oreal.

1931 - Howard Hughes released a film called Platinum blonde, titled to promote and capitalize on the hair color of the young star, Jean Harlow. Here's something that's ironic, Jean never admitted to dying her hair.

1950 - Going blond/e involved bleach and a lot of damage.

1960's-1970's - Coloring your hair was commonplace, and 1968 was the last year Americans were asked to state their hair color on passports - the prevalence of hair dye made this information pointless. By th 1970's, public sentiments toward dying your hair began to change.

1980's - You can't turn on the TV without seeing Eva Longoria, Sarah Jessica Parker, or another celebrity trying to sell you hair dye. It began in the 80's.

2014 - In May, while most of the population was embracing sombre and other, more natural-looking hair color techniques, Kylie Jenner took the opposite approach and made her first major hair color transformation.

Present - According to The Atlantic, "an estimated 70%  of women in the U. S. use hair-coloring products."

And that was the timeline of hair dye. Now while you excuse me, I'm going to dye my hair rainbow.

Youtube and Viacom

Youtube and Viacom is a chaos. I mean they block every freaking episode of every freaking nickelodeon TV show excluding five freaking episodes of my freaking show. How stupid is that? Like Youtube and Viacom, have you heard of fair use of copy right?! The definition of Fair use is and I quote: "The doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder." What is my show (the backyardigans)? AN EDUCATION SHOW! What does it do? IT TEACHES AND IS ENTERTAINING!? It's not just YouTube though, Heck even INSTAGRAM DOES IT! INSTAGRAM, SEE THE DEFINITION I SAID?! THAT'S WHAT FAIR USE OF COPY RIGHT IS?! >:(

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Youtube and Nintendo

This is a rant about Youtube and Nintendo. Nintendo is giving people copyright strikes for using their music. That might mean Pokemon songs might go bye-byes and Song of Healing from Majora's Mask. Like what happened to using it under fair use?

Another Rant

Another thing I have to rant on is this person. He claims that woman who die their hair unnatural colors are deranged. On Twitter Alexander J.A Cortes says "Unnatural hair colors in woman are a warning signal to stay away. It's an example Aposematism-the phenomenon of poisonous animals in nature advertising their toxcity and lethality." SO WHAT?! US GUYS WHO DIE OUR HAIR UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS ARE NORMAL BUT WHEN A LADY DOES IT IT'S DERANGED?! >:( 

"Animals like poison arrow frogs, venomouus snakes, they have bright colors and it lets other animals know to stay away from messing with them. When you see a woman with red blue green purple rainbow hair, its a sign of mental illness and derangement." DO NOT SAY THAT! THAT'S MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE MENTAL ILLNESSES. FIRST OFF THEIR ARE MANY TYPES OF MENTAL ILLNESSES! First Clincal Depression. The Signs of Clinical Depression are: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of pleasure in activities, mood swings, sadness, agitation, excessive crying, irritability, restlessness, social isolation, early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, restless sleep, excessive hunger, fatique, loss of appetite, lack of concentation, slowness in activity, thoughts of suicide, weight gain, weight loss, poor appetite, and repeatedly going over thoughts.

Next we have Anxiety Disorder. The signs of anxiety disorder are:  Hypervigilance, irritability, restlessness, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, unwanted thoughts, fatique, sweating, anxiety, excessive worry, fear, feeling of impending doom, insomnia, nausea, palpitations, and trembling.

Up next we have, Bipolar Disorder. The signs of Bipolar disorder are: anger, anxiety, apathy, apprehension, elevated mood, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of pleasure in activities, mood swings, sadness, aggression, agitation, crying, disorganized behavior, excess desire for sex, hyperactivity, impulsivity, irritability, restlessness, risk taking behaviors, self-harm, delusion, false belief of superiority, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, slowness in activity, unwanted thoughts, agitated depression, depression, manic episode, paranoia, weight gain, weight loss, difficulty falling asleep, excess sleepiness, fatigue, and rapid and frenzied speaking.

Next we go onto, Dementia. The signs of Dementia are: confusion in the evening hours, disorientation, inability to recognize common things, inability to speak or understand language, making things up, memory loss, mental confusion, mental decline, irritability, lack of restraint, personality changes, restlessness, wandering and getting lost, anxiety, loneliness, mood swings, nervousness, depression, hallucination, paranoia, inability to combine muscle movements, unsteady walking, falling, jumpled speech, or sleep disorder.

Next is, ADD/ADHD. The signs of ADD/ADHD are: Aggression, excitability, fidgeting, hyperactivity, impulsivity, irritability, lack of restraint, persistent repition of words or actions, absent-mindedness, difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, problem paying attention, short attention span, anger, anxiety, boredom, excitement, mood swings, depression, and learning disability.

Onto Schizophrenia. The signs of Schizophrenia are: Aggression, agitation, compulsive behavior, disorganized behavior, excitability, hostility, lack of restraint, repetitive movements, self-harm, social isolation, amnesia, belief that an ordinary event has special and personal meaning, belief that thoughts aren't one's own, delusion, disorientation, false belief of superiority, memory loss, mental confusion, slowness in activity, thought disorder, anger, anxiety, apathy, elevated mood, feeling detached from self, general discontent, inappropriate emotional response, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, depression, fear, hallucination, hearing voices, paranoia, persecutory delusion, religious delusion, circumstantial speech, incoherent speech, rapid and frenzied speaking, speech disorder, fatigue, impaired motor coordination, and lack of emotional response.

Next we have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The signs of Obsessive Compulsive Behavior are: Agitation, compulsive behavior, compulsive hoarding, hypervigilance, impulsivity, meaningless repition of own words, persistent repetition of words or actions, repetitive movements, ritualistic behavior, social isolation, anxiety, apprehension, guilt, panic attack, depression, fear, food aversion, nightmares, and repeatedly going over thoughts.

Next we have autism, now Alexis (my girlfriend) and I both have autism. The signs of autism are: Compulsive behavior, impulsivity, inappropriate social interaction, persistent repetition of words or actions, poor eye contact, repetitive movements, self-harm, learning disability, speech delay in a child, intense interest in a limited number of things, problem paying attention, depression, unaware of others' emotions, anxiety, change in voice, sensitivity to sound, and tic.

Finally we have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are: Agitation, hostility, hypervigilance, irritability, self-destructive behavior, social isolation, fear, flashback, mistrust, severe anxiety, guilt, loneliness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, insomnia, nightmares, emotional detachment, and unwanted thoughts.

Do you see unnatural hair colors in any of those signs? NO! That's because females dying their hair unnatural colors is normal as well as us doing it! Someone on reddit called Donut13Wolf said this 3 years ago: "My friend has a normal haircut, a little past the chin, and has dyed hair. She's perfectly fine." Next time you want to prove something, please do some research. Alexis wants to dye her hair purple and I'm completely fine with it. I love her.

Mr. Alexander J.A Cortes goes on saying "Think of Harley Quinn. Obviously shes more attractive than your typical unnaturally hair colored SJW chick. But would you want to date this girl? She's literally homicidal." Dude! Not all SJW's have unnatural hair colors and not all females with unnatural hair colors are SJW's. Also that a freaking movie character! She's from Suicide freaking Squad!

Then he says "You gentleman want an obvious example of a redflag? It doesnt get more obvious than that."  *Facepalms myself* I am a gentleman but I don't care if Alexis dies her hair any color. She would look beautiful as she does now.

He goes on saying "This said, lots of women dye their hair, and theres nothing wrong with that, so long as its a natural color. And not Manhater blue or Ihaveamentaldisease pink." DO NOT FREAKING MAKE FUN OF MENTAL DISEASES! I HATE THAT!

He goes on saying "Or my favorite, the RAINBOW hair. Which you can guarantee she'll have a therapist and multiple psychiatric drug prescriptions. Again, see Harley Quinn example." ALEXIS'S MOM AND SISTER DIES THEIR HAIR AND THEY DON'T HAVE A THERAPIST AND MULTIPLE PSYCHIATRIC DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS!

Then he says "and When a seemingly stable female suddenly dies her hair crazy colors, she's grappling with some immense inner turmoil and upheavel, the crazy has taken over. Stay away young kings." *Smacks you*

Then he says "I expect the Toxic Thottery to come out in full force this one. Pay attention to the behavior of these succubus's and she-devils gentlemen. It will be a lesson for you in what to avoid dating and never reproduce with." Your not the freaking boss of me!

Then he says "Get on the email list gentlemen. Today I'll be talking about how to recognize and avoid obvious red flags of the TOXIC THOTTERY. And how to recognize Quality Women." *Growls*

Some people replied to him. Mav says: "Its just a color. I can say that Ive recovered from rainbowhairitis and lived to tell the tales. What you should do is stay away from anyone whos running w a knife. Thats shi* is wild." I praise her.

Lydia says: "Well if my pink hair keeps people like you away from me, I'm 100% glad to keep it." Thank you Lydia. Also you look beautiful with pink hair.

Rhi says in reply to Mav: "Lmaooo. Love this reply. Also, I went to twitchcon two years ago and had galaxy hair... street preacher accused me of practicing witchcraft and I'd never felt so accomplished. (insert devil horns emoji here) "I'm married and have yet to "have mental disease on my husband"." Preach it girl!

Lil cat boi said: "I love manhater blue its my favorite shade." I love you.

Idiot Baby said: "Ihaveamentalillnesspink is my favorite color I've ever had my hair :)))" Lol.

Jon Ash said: "Colored women arre poisonous? Lmao. Okay think that." :)

Cxnt said: "Well I'm glad I dye my hair because it keeps f****** like you away. I've had every color under the sun but seriously having blonde hair (what I have now) is so boring. I can't wait to go blue and green." Your hair should look like Earth colors.

Lucifer said: "So what you're saying is that all men are predators and that women should avoid us at all costs. Incels are so cute when they think they're smart." Agreed.


Crommunist says: "Be honest dude: the replies in this thread are the most attention you've had from women since the judge told you to stay at least 50 feet away from Hot Topic, isn't it?" True.

GOTV 2020 & Save Democracy said: "Wow you got dropped a lot as an infant."  On the head?

Alisha said: "I love my purple hair, eff you." Well spoken girl.

Val said: "Nah u just a little b****." I agree.

Hannah Davis said: "Hi, actual biologist here: having the resources to colour your hair should, if anything, flag you as a MORE valuable mate. Obviously individual tastes will vary, as will fashions, but there's a reason why colouring the hair/face/body has been A Thing throughout human history! One possible reason why it is less powerful a signal than it used to be may be because hair dye has become so cheap and readily available: poor people can get it too, so it no longer means "I have the wealth to acquire rare pigments/wigs by the best wig makers/etc." But honestly, it's best not to read too much into it. Fashions (and what is considered attractive in a man or woman) change so much from culture to culture and from decade to decade.  Also the idea that colourful hair is anything close to aposematism? Just no." Agreed.

Alexandra Erin said: "Congratulations, you are the 1,000,000th guy to uncritically present this load of garbage like it's 1) true and 2) an original thought. To claim your prize, please stay away. The real reasons dudes like A.J.A. here see brightly colored hair as a warning sign is: it's a signal that the woman dresses and presents herself to the world *for herself* and not to win the approval of dudes like this. The warning sign is not that she is "toxic" or "deranged", it's that she's not going to be amenable to negging and other pressure tactics and that she doesn't care what the dude thinks." Preach it Alexandra.

HeyKnolly said: "GoF***YourselfPink." Lul.

Tiffany Willis said: "I had green hair in my engagement photos, and pink hair at my wedding, but somehow my husband still managed to marry me." YOU GO GIRL!

Winstar said: "I see a ton of people on twitter with lots of hair colors and not a single negative or toxic in their feed. Also my wife colors her hair all the time loves everything." I agree Winstar.

NerdyInNOLA said: "Hi. Mental health professional here. Sorry but this is NOT true. While I can say with assurance that a sudden, drastic change in appearance of any kind can be a sign that *something* is going on, it's not a sign of what that something is. Meanwhile bright or pastel colors besides "hair color" can also be a sign of creativity, confidence, expressiveness, artistry, curiosity...any number of characteristics that just aren't about men or sex. Men can also have any color hair without giving you a private view of their soul." THANK YOU!

He posted it on Facebook too. Some redditors are talking about it. Redditor ErinktheWriter says: "BE RIGHT BACK, I'M GONNA DIE MY HAIR RAINBOW." YOU GO!

Also he should know that a not-so-famous band is called Toxic Thottery. I'm going to put definitions of both Thottery and Thot here. Warning: Some of these definitions are a bit gross.

Thottery: Definition 1: Engaging in thot activities.
2. Thots being thots, just doing their thing. For example boobs out, twerking, full face o' makeup, slug brows, tight clothes, and baring loads of skin even when it's freezing cold.
3.When ou don't condone any thottery (hoe related extra curricular activities) in the workplace or within your social circle in any way, shape of form.
4. A group, place, or website in which you can find all manner of thirsty men or women. A lottery of thots.
5.The practice/art of being a thot.
6. Dressing like a hooker and going out into public and basically acting like a hoe.

Thot: 1. What guys call girls in schools that send out nudes and porn of themselves. An acronym for That Hoe Over There.
2. Be gone.
3. A hoe.
4. A girl who is unloyal and not to be trusted.
5. A girl who messes with lots of guys.
6. Cheats, sleeps around, is disloyal, claims to be in love to get someone in bed, love-em-and-leave-em, has lots of one-night stands, etc.

Rant time

Hey guys, it's Austin and I want to address something. We all know that Halle Bailey is playing as Ariel in the live action remake of the little mermaid right? Well that's what's bothering me. People are giving the poor girl hate. She always dreamed about being a Disney Princess. I don't care what skin color she has, as long as they don't change her name I'm fine.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hey guys

Hey, ignore the title. There is no way to change it. (If there is I don't know how to).